Embedding of linked smart objects is not required anymore

New Photoshop versions introduced support for linked smart objects: http://blogs.adobe.com/richardcurtis/2014/01/16/photoshop-cc-14-2-update-linked-smart-objects/. Using linked objects is a good thing. First, it allows to share image assets between psd files. Second, it makes size of PSD file much smaller. Continue reading Embedding of linked smart objects is not required anymore


Manually control quality level of JPG images when converting Photoshop to HTML

By default, psd to css engine exports JPG images with quality level equal 90. Such compression level is very suitable for most of standard images.

However, in some cases it may be needed to set up specific quality level for some images. Continue reading Manually control quality level of JPG images when converting Photoshop to HTML


Forcibly save image layer in JPG format when extracting images from Photoshop

Psd to Html conversion engine is able to determine image layers which can be saved in jpeg format for a long time. It saves such layers as .jpg images automatically.

We added a possibility to forcibly export image layer in jpeg format Continue reading Forcibly save image layer in JPG format when extracting images from Photoshop
