Special offer! Only $1,75 for the PSD to HTML/CSS conversion!

PSD to HTML Converter service turns 1.5 year old. Over this time we have got a lot of grateful clients. We would like to thank all our users for their support and improvement advices. For the limited time we are setting the price to as low as $1,75 for one PSD to HTML conversion! Offer valid for 7 days (since 15-Jul-2011 till 22-Jul-2011).

Simply upload PSD file and pay before downloading converted CSS layout.

Special offer is also eligible for buying several PSD to CSS conversions at a time. You can buy multiple conversions at your Online Profile with an additional discount up to 25%! Hurry to buy conversions for the future use!

<a href=”http://psd2htmlconverter.com/en/index.php?page=order”>upload PSD file</a> and pay before downloading converted CSS layout.

4 thoughts on “Special offer! Only $1,75 for the PSD to HTML/CSS conversion!”

  1. Hey Alex,

    Thanks for your reply on my post!

    I have tried using the free conversations to see, how to works. I found it interesting that i got Images, CSS , Index file and the HTML coding is in Image format.

    I also tried re entering everything into a notepad and then saving into HTML format, when i tried to open it shows all the images,boxes,texts scrambled( miss placed ).

    could you please let me know, how you i get the HTML and how could i fix this problem.


    1. Hey Nagendra.

      Oh, seems you are doing a wrong thing! There is no way you should type in HTML code from image into notepad!
      The image you see is only a preview of HTML code that was created by automated generation tool. HTML code itself is only one part of the HTML layout. The other parts are images and CSS code. We create the preview with the purposes that you can check that resulting HTML satisfies you.

      The thing you should actually do is to proceed with downloading resulting HTML markup – simply press the “Download” button at the bottom of the page. You will have the “Download” button if you are logged in and have conversions available at your account. Otherwise you will have a “Pay” button instead.

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