PSD to HTML5 / CSS3 conversion price is reduced

We lowered prices for buying conversions and subscriptions. Check out new prices of automated Photoshop to HTML conversion.


We lowered prices for buying one or several conversions. Now the price for one PSD to HTML5/CSS3 conversion starts from $1.6!

Compare our old and new prices.

New prices

Price for one conversion, $ Number of conversions to buy Total price
3 1 3
2.7 5 13.5
2.5 10 25
2 25 50
1.8 50 90
1.6 100 160


Old prices

Price for one conversion, $ Number of conversions to buy Total price
3.5 1 3.5
3.32 5 16.6
3.26 10 32.6
3.15 25 78.8
2.98 50 148.8
2.63 100 262.5



Special offer for 1 day unlimited subscription

Since now you can buy 1  day unlimited subscription to convert PSD into HTML5 for just $6.99 instead of $9.99.


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